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General Discussion / What is your current interpret...
Last post by khenderson - July 31, 2024, 03:24:29 PM
Please let everyone know your current interpretation of the CCRs?
General Discussion / Re: Adventure Park and GoCart ...
Last post by Brando - April 05, 2021, 07:24:36 AM
If you haven't please sign the Petition to STOP Santan Adventure Park and the 22 Gasoline powered GoCarts that will run 15-16 hours a day 7 days a week:
Learn more:
General Discussion / Re: Adventure Park and GoCart ...
Last post by Brando - March 09, 2021, 10:42:22 AM
To reiterate my concern about the towns plan to notify:

"public notice is required to be sent out to property owners 300' around the subject site property lines and 1,000 feet distance for HOA's at least 15 days prior to the meeting.."

I created a somewhat simplistic graphical representation of the distances the town has mentioned:

On this map the yellow circles indicate withing a few feet the homes within 300 feet of the perimeter of the proposed parks property line:
Not many homes will be directly notified.

The red lines are 1000 feet , clearly it will only be Greenfield Lakes and Cottonwood crossing that the town notifies , and then with only 15 days until the hearing, hardly enough time to act.

I know Greenfield lakes HOA and Board are aware and addressing the situation in an upcoming mailer.
What about the  property management company and board for Cottonwood Crossing? 

Again, "at least 15 days"( how likely we will get more than 15 days notice?) notice to affected homes and the respective boards is hardly time to get anything disseminated to the homeowners.

General Discussion / Adventure Park and GoCart Trac...
Last post by Brando - March 04, 2021, 05:27:37 PM
Also posted on ( )  regarding the SanTan Adventure Park to include a go cart track that has been proposed at the south west corner of Knox and Greenfield(SanTan Village Parkway). 

The Proposal was discussed briefly in the last Greenfield Lakes HOA meeting. Very little information was yet available but there were several homeowners significantly concerned about the Noise/light pollution and more concerned about the negative effect this park will have on property value ( as addressed further down in this post).  I was able to find the Planning Commission Report from Feb 3 2021 listed below>
  I have emailed that link to the planning commission report to Harman Cadis, the Primary with Focus HOA management , he indicated he is going to forward the information the the HOA Board.

The planning commission report is available here:

It is listed as Item 2 of the Agenda:
DR20-182 SanTan Adventure Park* (82 MB)

The report is 57 pages long, it loads very slowly viewing it online, i would suggest you download it as a PDF to view it completely, it is very detailed.

To summarize:
"SAP  Holdings,  LLC  is  proposing  an  outdoor  family  entertainment  center  located  at  the southwest corner of SanTan Village Parkway and Knox Road just east of the Crossroads Park through  a  lease  agreement  with  the  Town  of  Gilbert. 

SanTan  Adventure  Park  will  be constructed in two phases on 4.55 net acres. 
The first phase will be 2.4 acres and consist of  an  18-hole  miniature  golf  course,  22-kart  go-kart  racing track,  a  splash  pad  and concession stand with applicable structures and theme theatrics.

The future 2nd phase will be an extension of the adventure park,the design is undetermined at this time.

The site is part of the existing AZ Ice facility and Crossroads Park with existing access from Knox  Road,  the  parking  lot  will  be  shared  by  the  two  facilities  and  SAP  Holdings,  LLC  has entered into a parking agreement as part of the lease with the Town of Gilbert for the shared parking. "

At the time of the last HOA meeting there was speculation that the park had already been approved, i could not find a reason to believe that is the case and  ,  in the commission report on page 4 it states:

"The project is currently in review and therefore additional comments, beyond what are presented in this report may be brought forward for discussion during the study session meeting."

Additionally, a response on the post on nextdoor a resident has added the following:

No public hearing yet; you still have a voice with the Planning Commission before it goes to the Council.  If the Town Council approves this will the FIRST outdoor go-kart track in the state of Arizona to be built near housing.  Out of 150 tracks in the 5 adjoining Southwestern states, ZERO are near ONE housing development; this site has TWO. 

A $30,000 home value deduction will automatically apply to the 70-80 affected homes, just as if it was high-tension wires being added 20 years after the homes were built.  A real estate appraiser might view a maximum height allowed flaming volcano mini-golf course with a 22-kart go-kart track as a negative on quality of life due to noise and light pollution 7-days a week, over 350 days a year. 

This would be an excellent addition to Gilbert, but it belongs in the Gilbert Regional Park, not in an existing neighborhood where Gilbert residents would take a $3,000,000 hit on their home values.

A few of the images from the proposal, keep in mind that the first rendering only show the proposed phase 1 of the project that will be built on the south side of the lot and Phase to and what will be developed is yet to be revealed.

It unclear as to how many residents of Greenfield lake or Cottonwood crossing to our west are aware of this proposed park,.
This project will affect all residents some  more than others but all should be aware so they can act accordingly if they so choose.
I believe the greenfield lakes HOA board will address this in an upcoming newsletter.

I Emailed the Senior Planner at the commission and received this:

"Thank you for reaching out to the town with your questions.  The Design Review case DR20-182 for Santan Adventure Park is currently under a 2nd review.  It is proposed to go to a Planning Commission Public Hearing April 7, 2021 but that date has not been confirmed yet.

As part of the design review process a public notice is required to be sent out to property owners 300' around the subject site property lines and 1,000 feet distance for HOA's at least 15 days prior to the meeting.  A sign is also posted on the site with the hearing date.  Citizens can attend the public hearing virtually or in person and provide comments.

Citizens can also provide comment by email at any time and I can provide a copy of the email as part of the staff report for the commissioners to review.  Let me know if you have any further questions regarding the design review case, thank you.

Stephanie Bubenheim
Senior Planner
Development Services "

General Discussion / Re: Focus is Newest Property M...
Last post by bill hutter - January 19, 2021, 10:42:55 AM

I am a homeowner within Greenfield Lakes and was present, via ZOOM, when the Landscaping contracts were reviewed and discussed at last weeks meeting. Each applicant/landscaping representative was provided with a set time slot to providing our board with their proposals and provide information from questions the Board presented to each Representative. The questions to ask each Landscaping company was discussed by the Board and provided to each proposing Landscaping Representative.

Upon conclusion of these proposals, the Board thanked each Representative and removed them from the meeting. The Board then discussed each proposal and talked between themselves over issues ranging from cost to specific needs of our HOA. A Board member did ask the Focus Management Company in asking their perspective as the Management Company does work with other HOA's.

Focus did advise the Board that is best the Property Management Company will remain neutral and not reply to questions. However, they will provide information when  the Board reaches a decision.

The Board then opened the Meeting to Homeowners, of which I myself did chime in. I advised the first two Representatives were not open to expanding their answers but to answer in shorty sentences. The third was questionable, but the last two were very open and loved to talk about their company and I felt we would of still been in the meeting as these two representatives just kept talking and were proud of their company.

Overall, the Board and our HOA Property Management rep. property ran the meeting in a professional manner.

Yes, it would of been nice, to knowing of Focus having a business relationship with one of the Companies at this meeting. However, at no time did Focus interrupt or provide any information to persuading the Board from selecting one Landscaping Company over another.

thank you
Bill Hutter
General Discussion / Focus HOA Managment replaces R...
Last post by Admin - January 05, 2021, 01:20:12 PM
Renaissance Property Management has been replaced by Focus HOA Management:

Focus HOA Management  <click here

Focus Community Login page  <click here

you can acquire your personal community login information by contacting the community managers Naomi or Harman at Focus:

or via email:

General Discussion / Re: Heywood Community Managmen...
Last post by Farley - December 31, 2018, 12:31:00 PM
Understood, but does the board know that the landscaping company is owned and run by an employee of the managment company?
General Discussion / Re: Heywood Community Managmen...
Last post by 42%Potatoes - December 30, 2018, 09:04:54 PM
The Board approves the hiring of the landscaping company, not Heywood.  When this Board took over they did several things that I felt needed questioning.
General Discussion / Heywood Community Managment co...
Last post by Farley - December 30, 2018, 12:19:19 PM
This is the start of what should be a discussion of the issues being discovered with the Heywood Community Management at Greenfield Lakes.

Heywood is and has had similar issues in other communities and has been subsequently fired by several HOA board's .

There are numerous reported issues including the apparent conflict of interest wherein the currently contracted landscape company: "Turf and Trees "is owned by and employee of Heywood Community Management.

This information is readily available at the registrar of contractors:
S&M Project Services LLC
Doing Business As: Turf & Trees Landscaping
License Number ROC 316252

The 2019 operating budget of 477,280.00 has been approved.
213,000.00 of that operating budget  for landscaping, which is being paid to Turf and Trees.
Almost 45% of the annual  operating budget is being paid to them.

Are the board members aware of this?  Do they see a conflict?
Are they concerned?
does anyone know or have connection to any of the board members?

General Discussion / Re: New Managment Company: Pre...
Last post by EdC - June 11, 2015, 11:50:27 AM
Shortly before Kari Moyer left her position she went and mailed out numerous letters of harassment. Now know one will answer the phone there to explain why.